Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What level of training is provided at The Academy?
A: Absolutely professional-level training for all course Students is provided. The
Academy has developed excellent instructional materials and couples these materials
with superior instruction in all venues. All instruction is conducted in a respectful,
non-competitive, learning-rich environment.
Q: Does The Academy employ formal curriculums?
A: Yes! Each course is guided in the classroom by a formal written curriculum designed
to formalize each presentation and make all courses uniform in presentation, regardless
of the venue.
Q: Who are the Instructors in each Academy unit?
A: Instructors are all professionals in their respective fields of expertise. Each
Instructor has at least five years of classroom experience and receives extensive
training on The Academy's professional instructional methodology.
Q: Is The Academy just designed for practicing professionals?
A: Actually, The Academy provides instruction to professionals as well as to individuals who just want to learn the English language for pleasure or future travel, improve their writing skills, learn the art of cursive writing, or develop and improve literacy, and The Academy provides instruction for individuals in a wide range of fields. We have specialty courses for elementary school Students and junior and senior high school Students, adults, and individuals in many avocations.
Q: What range of courses are offered at The Academy?
A: The Academy has a very wide range of courses that now number over 100 . Each course has been professionally written and designed for maximized learning of the presented subject matter. These courses include English ESL language courses for adults, English ESL language courses for elementary school Students and junior and senior high school Students, writing skills courses, cursive writing courses, avocation-specific English language courses, and literacy courses. There is literally a course (or more) for everyone here at The Academy.
Q: How frequently does The Academy conduct each course?
A: The Academy sets its training schedule based upon Student demand. A maximum of 25 Students are enrolled in each course to maximize the training experience. Every effort is made to schedule every course at each Academy unit at least quarterly.
Q: When are courses offered at The Academy?
A: The Academy conducts courses weekdays, evenings, and weekends to accommodate the schedules of Students. The Academy accommodates Students who work on various shifts by conducting classes twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. See your local Academy unit website for their specific schedule.
Q: Where are Academy units located?
A: Go to our location listing for a current full list
of Academy units across the USA.
Q: Are all course materials included in one tuition fee?
A: Yes! The course bound curriculum and the corresponding text/work book (and audio recording for English language courses) are included in the one tuition fee. There are no additional fees whatsoever here at The Academy.
Q: Can my corporation or special group host a course at our local facility?
A: Yes! Simply call the Director at our local Academy unit to discuss your hosting of a course for 15 or more Students. We'll gladly discuss the opportunity to be a host. Virtually all of our courses are designed for hosting to accommodate your special day and time requirements.
Q: If we host a course at our facility, does each of our Students receive the bound curriculum and the course's corresponding text/work book (and audio recording for English language courses)?
A: Absolutely! All of our courses include the bound curriculum and the corresponding text/work book (and audio recording for English ESL language courses). These are the identical materials utilized in our classrooms.
Q: If a course in which I want to enroll is not currently scheduled, can I request that it be scheduled?
A: Yes! Call the Director at our local Academy and make this request. Student demand guides scheduling of our courses here at The Academy. We'll gladly discuss scheduling with you.
Q: Does The Academy have corporate accounts for instruction?
A: Yes! Contact the corporate office at (602) 799-0950, and we'll be glad to discuss your regional or nationwide training needs.
Q: How do I enroll?
A: Go to the website link for The Academy unit closest to you and follow their instructions.
For the location of The Academy nearest to you, click here.
Contact Information:
Academy Franchise Partnership, Inc.
P.O. Box 20654
Mesa, AZ 85277
(602) 799-0950 Corporate Office
Copyright © Academy Franchise Partnership, Inc.
Academy Franchise Partnership, Inc.
P.O. Box 20654
Mesa, AZ 85277
(602) 799-0950 Corporate Office
Copyright © Academy Franchise Partnership, Inc.